

把丽娜, 女, 199212月出生, 博士。

Email: baln19@lzu.edu.cn



2015.09-2018.07 西北师范大学数学与统计学院  硕士

2019.09-2023.07 兰州大学数学与统计学院  博士

2023.07-至今 威廉希尔网站任教


主讲课程:近世代数, 运筹学。






1. Lina Ba, Heping Zhang. Structure connectivity of data center networks, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2023(451)128022. (SCI一区)

2. Lina Ba, Hailun Wu, Heping Zhang. Stsr-structure connectivity of folded hypercube and augmented cube, Journal of Supercomputing, 2023(79): 3257-3276. (SCI)

3. Lina Ba, Heping Zhang. Star-structure connectivity and star-substructure connectivity of hypercube and folded hypercube, Computer Journal, 2022(65): 3156-3166. (SCI)

4. Lina Ba, Heping Zhang. Cycle-structure connectivity of crossed cube, Theoretical Computer Science, 2022(922): 335-345. (SCI)

5. Lina Ba, Yaxian Zhang, Heping Zhang. Path-structure connectivity of k-ary n-cube, Computer Journal, 2023https://doi.org/10.1093/comjnl/bxac197. (SCI)

6. 把丽娜,刘倩,刘信生,姚兵,完全二部图优美性质探索,大 连 理 工 大 学 学 报,2017, 57(6):657-662.

7. 把丽娜,刘倩,刘信生,姚兵,灯笼图的奇优美标号,数学的实践与认识, 2017, 47(9):166-176.